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Data Last Updated on 7/27/24 at 4:40am

Current Conditions


70.7°F Wind Speed: NE @ 0mph
Humidity: 96 % Wind Chill: 70.7°F
Heat Index: 77.3°F Wind Gust: 0 mph
Dew Point: 69.5°F Beaufort Scale: Calm
Barometric Pressure: 30.00 in. Rainfall Today: 0.00 in.
Comfort Level: Comfortable Rainfall Past Hour: 0.00 in.
Heat Stress: --- Rainfall Past 24 Hours: 0.84 in.
    Rainfall This Month: 1.84 in.
    Rainfall Year to Date: 28.05 in.

Temperature Data
Current Temperature: 70.7 °F
Rate of Change: -0.36 °F/hr.
Todays Average Temperature: 71.4 °F
Todays High: 72.1 °F
Time of Todays High: 12:00am
Todays Low: 70.7 °F
Time of Todays Low: 4:32am
Quickest Rise Today: -0.11 °F/hr.
Quickest Rise Time: 1:17am
Quickest Drop Today: -0.88 °F/hr.
Quickest Drop Time: 12:06am

Wind Data
Current Wind Speed: 0mph
Current Wind Direction: NE
Todays Average Wind Speed: 0mph
Wind Gust Last 10 Minutes: 0mph
Todays Highest Wind Speed: 1mph
Time of Todays Highest Wind Speed: 1:20am
Highest Wind Speed This Month: 20mph
Date of Highest Wind Speed This Month: 7/5/24
Highest Wind Speed This Year: 38mph
Date of Highest Wind Speed This Year: 1/9/24
Daily Wind Run: 0 miles
Wind Run Month:

664 miles

Wind Run Year:

9523 miles

Humidity Data
Current Humidity: 96 %
Rate of Change: -0.1 %/hr.
Todays Average Humidity: 96 %
Todays Highest Humidity: 97 %
Time of Todays Highest Humidity: 1:10am
Todays Lowest Humidity: 95 %
Time of Todays Lowest Humidity: 12:00am
Quickest Rise of Humidity Today: 1.5 %/hr.
Quickest Rise Time: 1:10am
Quickest Drop of Humidity Today: -0.2 %/hr.
Quickest Drop Time: 4:22am

Dewpoint Data
Current Dewpoint: 69.5 °F
Rate of Change: -0.40 °F/hr.
Todays Average Dewpoint: 69.9 °F
Todays Highest Dewpoint: 71.0 °F
Time of Todays Highest Dewpoint: 1:10am
Todays Lowest Dewpoint: 69.5 °F
Time of Todays Lowest Dewpoint: 4:32am
Quickest Rise of Dewpoint Today: 0.23 °F/hr.
Quickest Rise Time: 1:10am
Quickest Drop of Dewpoint Today: -0.78 °F/hr.
Quickest Drop Time: 12:06am

Barometric Pressure Data
Current Barometric Pressure: 30.00 in.
Rate of Change: -0.002 in./hr.
Todays Average Barometric Pressure: 30.01 in.
Todays Highest Barometric Pressure: 30.03 in.
Time of Todays Highest Barometric Pressure: 12:02am
Todays Lowest Barometric Pressure: 30.00 in.
Time of Todays Lowest Barometric Pressure: 4:01am
Quickest Rise of Barometric Pressure Today: 0.006 in./hr.
Quickest Rise Time: 12:02am
Quickest Drop of Barometric Pressure Today: -0.012 in./hr.
Quickest Drop Time: 2:17am


SafeSurf Rated


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