FXUS64 KMRX 221407 AFDMRX Area Forecast Discussion National Weather Service Morristown TN 1007 AM EDT Tue Oct 22 2024 ...New UPDATE... .UPDATE... Issued at 1005 AM EDT Tue Oct 22 2024 Another quiet weather day with plenty of sunshine and light winds. No changes planned other than a few tweaks to temps and dew points with this update. && .SHORT TERM... (Today and tonight) Issued at 333 AM EDT Tue Oct 22 2024 Key Message: 1. Another day of mild and dry conditions can be expected, followed by more seasonal temperatures tonight. Discussion: Currently early this morning, a shortwave is located to our northwest with surface high pressure in place. Throughout the day, the shortwave will lift further north with another coming into view in the Northern Plains overnight. Locally, continued subsidence will promote dry and seasonally mild conditions similar to recent days. RH values will drop into the 30s and upper 20s once again but with light winds due to a weak MSLP gradient and virtually no low-level winds. && .LONG TERM... (Wednesday through Monday) Issued at 333 AM EDT Tue Oct 22 2024 Key Messages: 1. Other than very low-end rain chances in the north on Saturday, the region is expected to stay dry. 2. Temperatures will be generally above normal, especially on Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday through Friday At the start of the period, the shortwave mentioned in the near-term period will be progressing towards the Upper Great Lakes with surface high pressure receding to our east. An accompanying front will approach from the northwest ahead of another surface high. Based on the latest guidance, it is unclear how far south this front will progress. However, limited moisture and fairly weak CAA won't produce much airmass change in either case. By Friday, another shortwave and frontal boundary will be noted to our northwest. A return of southerly flow will produce well above normal temperatures, likely in the 80s in southern areas. Saturday through Monday By Saturday, the aforementioned shortwave will move through the area, followed by another reinforcing shortwave by the end of the period. The frontal boundary will trail behind and will likely arrive by Sunday. Moisture will still be limited overall but sufficient for low-end rain chances in the north ahead of the front on Saturday. While it remains unclear how far south the front progresses, the height falls alone will produce moderation in temperatures closer to normal. High pressure will keep the region dry, but most places will likely still stay dry on Saturday. && .AVIATION... (12Z TAFS) Issued at 707 AM EDT Tue Oct 22 2024 Light winds and VFR conditions will continue through the day and into tonight. Any cloud cover will be limited and likely above 10,000 feet. && .PRELIMINARY POINT TEMPS/POPS... Chattanooga Airport, TN 79 51 81 53 / 0 0 0 0 Knoxville McGhee Tyson Airport, TN 77 49 78 50 / 0 0 0 0 Oak Ridge, TN 77 48 79 49 / 0 0 0 0 Tri Cities Airport, TN 77 44 73 46 / 0 0 0 0 && .MRX WATCHES/WARNINGS/ADVISORIES... NC...NONE. TN...NONE. VA...NONE. && $$ SHORT TERM...BW LONG TERM....BW AVIATION...BW